【協助研究】Survey on DH collaborations

Dear Sir/Madam,

A distinguishing feature of DH is the collaboration between humanists and computational researchers. As part of my PhD research on digital history practices, I therefore am conducting an online survey to investigate the practices of collaboration. If you are part of a DH collaboration, I would like to kindly ask you to participate in this survey.

This survey is held to gain an overview of how collaborations in digital history and digital humanities are organised. Questions will focus on the organisation of people in the collaboration, the physical space, and the time frame of the collaboration. Filling out the survey should take about 10 minutes.

All data will be reported anonymously. The anonymous data will be made available open access later.

To participate in the survey, please follow www.maxkemman.nl/survey

To learn more about the study, please see www.maxkemman.nl/aboutsurvey

If you have any questions or comments, do not hesitate to contact me via max.kemman@uni.lu.

Max Kemman MSc

PhD Candidate
University of Luxembourg
Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH)
