【徵稿徵件】Become a Reviewer for DH2018 (from ADHO)

轉發來自ADHO(Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations,數位人文組織聯盟)的消息:徵求2018年的DH審查人。

Dear colleagues,

The DH2018 Program Committee is happy to let you know that we’re building on last year’s effort to expand our pool of reviewers. This expansion is in line with ADHO’s conference protocol [http://adho.org/administration/conference-coordinating/adho-conference-protocol] that new reviewers be invited to participate in the DH conference review process.  We believe not only that an expanded reviewer pool will make the work of the PC easier and better (on the “many hands make light work” principle), but also that reviewing for the conference is one of the most important ways of engaging our community, encouraging greater community ownership of our conference, and enabling deeper involvement in it.

This year in particular, with the conference being hosted in Latin America, we are keen to recruit more reviewers in the two primary languages of the region: Spanish and Portuguese.  As you may know, it is the recommendation of ADHO’s Multilingual/Multicultural Committee to accept conference submissions in a particular language as long as there are sufficient reviewers in that language; it is our hope that we can add Portuguese to the DH linguistic community in this way, and that DH2018 will be remembered as a small watershed in the promotion of multilingualism and multiculturalism.

We would like to ask each CO, SIG, and Committee to circulate a simple call for nominations of qualified reviewers based on the following criteria:

Candidates must meet at least two of the following reviewer requirements:

  • Be currently associated (or have been recently associated) professionally with an institutional DH program, project, or initiative within the last three years.
  • Hold at least a Master’s degree or equivalent in a DH-relevant discipline (including, but not limited to, the Humanities, Social or Natural Sciences, Library Science, Fine Arts, etc.)
  • Have presented at an ADHO-, CO- or SIG-organized conference, symposium, colloquium, or equivalent, including those organized by RedHD, one of DH2018’s host organizations
  • Have published a DH-specific article or essay in a scholarly journal or volume (either print or electronic).

The Steering Committee approved the following wording in terms of ADHO’s ongoing efforts to support diversity and inclusion within our discipline:
“Nominations should reflect ADHO’s mission and seem relevant to improve the diversity and inclusivity of the conference in consideration of language and gender. In putting forward a candidate, the nominator should be cognizant of and attentive to their own organization’s statement of diversity.”

Please ask your nominees to submit their information and qualifications, and to indicate their willingness to serve as reviewers, by October 31, 2017 on this form:


Self-nominations are welcome.

We will review all the nominees’ qualifications, compile a list of proposed reviewers, and submit it to Claire Clivaz for final review and approval by the CCC. Approved reviewers will be contacted via ConfTool to confirm their willingness to participate and ask them to create or update their ConfTool user profile to include the language(s) in which they are proficient for evaluating professional work and their areas of expertise.

Thanks for your help, and please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions.

Élika Ortega & Glen Worthey
PC2018 Co-Chairs

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